Perbedaan Perilaku Agresi Dilihat dari Tingkat Ekonomi, Jenis Kelamin, dan Usia pada Siswa MTs

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Irma Heryani
Nida Khafyya Jihadah


This research aims to determine differences in students' aggressive behavior in terms of economic level, gender and age at Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) Negeri 5 Kuningan. The method used in the research is comparative quantitative. The data used is in the form of numbers which are analyzed, compared and used as a description of the conclusions as a result of the research. The research subjects were 96 students, the instrument used was the aggression scale, 38 of the 50 items were declared valid with a reliability of 0.826 in the high reliability category. The research results were measured based on the results of Anova, standard deviation and Kruskal Wallis data analysis. The results of data analysis using Anova showed that aggressive behavior seen from the economic level did not have a significant difference with a value of sig.0.246. Then, the results of data analysis using Kruskal Wallis showed that aggressive behavior in terms of gender did not have a significant difference in the sig value. 0.131. The results of Anova data analysis regarding aggressive behavior in terms of age did not show a significant difference with the sig value. 0.570. Based on this, there is no significant difference in aggressive behavior seen from the economic level, gender and age of students at MTs Negeri 5 Kuningan for the 2022/2023 academic year.


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